Monday, March 2, 2009

How to run BCL from Excel (the simple way) Part 2

In the previous post, I showed you how to set up a batch file that launches QUEST with the path to a BCL file passed as the command line parameter.  This post will bring us the rest of the way to being able to save out a series of BCL commands generated in Excel out to a BCL file.

The easiest way to create the Excel portion of this setup is using a VBA-based Excel Addin (.xla file).  The XLA, once activated by the user, is available whenever Excel is running, and we can build toolbar buttons to execute the macros we're using.

The macros themselves are pretty straightforward if you're accustomed to writing VBA in Excel.  The VBA Project is unlocked and unprotected, so you can go in and start editing/hacking away as you'd like to.

Download the XLA file here.  Understand that it's intended just for demonstration purposes and comes with no warranty.

To install the Addin, save the XLA file to your computer and note its location.  Then start Excel and go to Tools->Add-Ins.  Select the "Browse" button and navigate to the XLA file, wherever you saved it, and that's it.  The Addin will open and you'll see a new toolbar (named BCL_Launcher_Toolbar) with a pair of buttons on it.

To use the buttons, first select the cells containing the commands you want to save/execute.  The button on the left will just save the commands to a text file, while the button on the right saves the commands and then launches QUEST and executes those commands.

The first time you use the Addin, you'll be prompted for the location of the BCL file where you want your commands saved to, as well as the location of your QUEST BCL BAT file that you created in the previous post.  After that you should be good to go.


Daniel Cardoso said...

hello, how hare you?
I am Daniel, a Portuguese son working every days and all the time with the program of Delmia quest. I think that you know very much, because you should be a very good programmer. Will could give me your contact e-mail to talk about some things. There are always questions that appear. Thank
Best regards

Zaphod at Home said...

Hi Daniel,
Thanks for reading the blog, there's actually a QUEST user group at:

where you can join and ask any questions you may have.

I'd respond directly to you through email, but I can't find you contact info...
