Monday, February 20, 2012

Process Summary Read/Write

QUEST does not provide a BCL command to give you a process cycle time. Instead, there's an SCL routine called sample_cycle_time that does just that, gives you a sample. If your time is constant then fine, that will return the cycle time for the process. However, if you want to get the distribution name as well as any parameters, you're on your own.

Years ago I put together an SCL script that reads the mdl file for the current model and parses out any process definitions it finds. You could pretty easily modify this routine to use an arbitrary mdl file, if you want.

The script can be found here. the script saves out the definitions to a tab-delimited text file, and tries to open in Excel. I have a constant defined as EXCEL_LOCATION that points to the Excel.exe file, and allows the launch_excel procedure to open an Excel file for you. So you'd have to provide that constant as well.

I have another script that allows me to read the tab-delimited file back in, assuming you've made some modifications to the cycle times you want to apply to the model. At some point I'll post that up.

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