Thursday, April 26, 2012

Now For Something Not Entirely Different

I've quit my job at the CT Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT), after over six years.  CCAT was the first real job I had out of college, and I learned an incredible amount of skills and worked on incredible projects with incredible people.

I couldn't help it.

I've been given the opportunity to join the folks at eVSM as a consulting developer, helping them add new features to their product, which, if you've read much of this blog, I'm a pretty big fan of.  We'll also get into some new areas which I can't discuss, but it's very exciting for me.

The reason I couldn't help but leave CCAT was, the eVSM gig allows me to be my own boss, and take on contract work with anyone I want to work with.  The upsho is that I'm already contracting with CCAT on some MT Connect work, and look forward to helping them on interesting projects in the future.  I'll post a link when this first contract is done.

At the moment I'm pretty tied up with CCAT and eVSM work, but over time as I get acclimated to working in this manner (read: when I want, where I want, and what I want) I hope to create some great software products that will help people in manufacturing (and healthcare, services, etc...) be great at their jobs.  I also hope some of the five people who read this blog might consider taking on my services at some point.

This probably means I'm not going to be doing much of anything with QUEST, though I expect to be doing something with simulation very soon (probably with Simio though).  I also plan on continuing my participation in the MT Connect standardization process, because I truly think it will be a game changer in the field of Industrial Engineering.

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